måndag 7 juni 2010

Take a moment to reflecct, no matter what situation you are in, good or bad. Now is a time for reflection, for looking inwards, examing all aspects of yourself with truth and honesty. Though congruence and transparency can at times be painfutl, it is essential to be aware of every part of yourself, for they comprise an entirity. Allow the Light of the Divine to fill you, to transend every part of you, for in doing so you will manifest the Divine outwardly to all those around you, and provide a guiding beacon for those who remain in darkness. In becomming a part of the Light it is essential that you expose all the darkness in the innermost parts of yourselves to this divine light. This is happening at an accelerated rate to all Lightworkers.

All will be in situations that call for increased inner awareness. Whether you find your awareness through conventional counselling, self awareness, or in awakenings is irrelevent. Situations and synchronicities will occur in your lives to make this so. There is one amongst you, who is going through an increased time of turmoil, pondering, sudden catastrophes, changes and loss. She is a woman, living in America, who is feeling very lost, afraid and confused, at a spiritual standstill, waiting for an answer from the angels, anything to confirm that she is on the right path.

This woman will read these words and immediately recognise herself, for it was an unrelated coincidence that led her to read these words. There will be an immediate emotional release, an outpouring of emotion and a sense that the Divine is with her. To all other Lightworkers, send her your love. This woman will emerge from this shamanic journeying renewed and will be a great beacon, an ambassador for peace and love. There is a connection with Detroit, and a prison. Love will conquer, bringing fresh and renewed hope. You Lightworkers are working in empathy for her, and your collective experiences, which will be turned around, will provide renewed hope, renewed encouragement and spread Light into the world. The Ancient Ones have spoken, the archetypes of Knowledge and Wisdom. You stand, not alone, but surrounded by love, of which there will be an outpouring,

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